Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Alabama? WTF?

OK, herewith, a lazy substitute for a mission statement, not that a blog needs one of those(though yes, it does need a central idea):

This is a document of the F---s-D---s duo's crazy decampment from Chicago to Birmingham, Ala., and their Southern adventures small and large to come. This is geared to those who know us and just might wonder from time to time how on earth we're living down here.

Will it be self-indulgent? In dribs and drabs, yes. And without too much apology, if I can possibly resist the tendency. I'm doing this for me as much as you, my lovelies.
Will it poke a few holes in your smug preconceptions of the red-state South? I hope.
Will it also solidify some of those preconceptions? There's little doubt.

Will it be all true? Nah. We reserve the right to fictionalize.

Will the prose be spit-shined to a high gloss? Not so much. I'm mostly trying to keep you in our lives in some fashion. (And us in yours, natch.) This ain't no blog-to-book project.

- - -

I've posted a bunch of back-dated entries for October, which of course forces me to reflect on, and cringe at, the maudlin tone of the past month's scribbled notes. It's probably not much of a surprise that a week into the new life, I'm feeling dangerously optimistic. Quick, someone tell me about something supercool that I'm missing so I can feel like shit again!

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