Sunday, January 07, 2007

Simple Pleasures

The highlight of last week? No, I didn't get a new job, not yet. No, nobody stepped up to publish my novel or a short story of mine or anything. No, I did not have a lusciously memorable sex dream.

I did, however, hear WBHM use a Sufjan Illinois(e) song on a station identification bit -- just like they do (or did a good while back) on my beloved WBEZ.

I didn't think it could happen. I was growing resigned to the offensively inoffensive smooth jazz they like to use as aural accent pillows. Bits of musical pap I'd have to live with, I told myself, memories be damned.

Yeah, no matter how you spin it, admitting that this was a Highlight does not flatter me: I'm either a snob or too satisfied to romp in hand-me-down hipster duds (Sufjan has so over-saturated the culture, dude) and thus worthy of your small-smiled pity.

But woo-hoo and/or fk you, it was a nice way to start the day. Grins. WBHM, keep it up.


P.S. Can you guess which of the "not highlights" carries a whiff of truth?

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